Eryri / Snowdonia National Park

Includes all summits in the the northern half of Wales from Pumlumon northwards.

Today's Forecast

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Viewing Forecast For

Eryri / Snowdonia National Park
Wednesday 3rd July 2024
Last updated Tue 2nd Jul 24 at 2:10PM

Summary for all mountain areas

Wet day for most in the mountains, with low cloud and often windy conditions. Particularly in Scotland murky and chilly winds, persistent rain in the west, on and off in the east Highlands. In England frequent rain spells, in Wales mostly showers on the western coastal hills, fading toward the evening.

Headline for Eryri / Snowdonia National Park

Rain for periods, windy, murky

How windy? (On the summits)

Southwest turning westerly, 20 to 30mph, gusts up to 40mph higher areas.

Effect of the wind on you?

Affecting comfortable walking, gusts affecting balance on ridges. Feeling chilly.

How Wet?

Rain on and off, becoming dry evening

Rain and drizzle on and off much of the day, smallest amounts and longer dry spells eastwards. Becoming dry in the evening everywhere.

Cloud on the hills?


Covering the mountains widely, lowest and most persistent cloud toward the west coast. Some breaks inland. Bases tending to rise later in daytime.

Chance of cloud free summits?


Sunshine and air clarity?

Overcast most of the day, improving late afternoon with a few breaks. Visibility poor at times due to rain, some improvements, mainly east Wales.

How Cold? (at 900m)

7 to 10C. Wind chill feeling sub-zero on tops.

Freezing Level

Above the summits

Viewing Forecast For

Eryri / Snowdonia National Park
Thursday 4th July 2024
Last updated Tue 2nd Jul 24 at 2:10PM

How windy? (On the summits)

West to southwesterly 20 to 35mph, on high exposed ridges gusts reaching 50mph possible.

Effect of the wind on you?

Walking strenuous, becoming difficult in exposed terrain especially in gusts. Significant wind chill factor.

How Wet?

Risk of showers

Chance for a shower on the western coastal hills. Most likely dry toward mid Wales and north of A5.

Cloud on the hills?

Hills mostly covered

Hills covered at start, cloud clearing some tops inland in the afternoon but mostly staying on the ones by the coast above 500-700m.

Chance of cloud free summits?


Sunshine and air clarity?

Some scattered sun at times, best toward the east. Visibility mostly poor by the coast, good well inland.

How Cold? (at 900m)

5 to 7C. Feeling around -5C due to strong wind chill.

Freezing Level

Above the summits.

Viewing Forecast For

Eryri / Snowdonia National Park
Friday 5th July 2024
Last updated Tue 2nd Jul 24 at 2:10PM

How windy? (On the summits)

Southwesterly 15 to 25mph, 30mph at times on Snowdon range in the morning.

Effect of the wind on you?

Mostly small, blustery and slightly affecting comfortable walking on highest mountains.

How Wet?

Patchy rain afternoon south

High uncertainty, most likely dry north of Blaenau Ffestiniog and patchy rain in the south from afternoon onward. Risk of downpours and more widespread rain.

Cloud on the hills?

Hills mostly covered

Higher tops likely in clouds all day, lower slopes and tops below 700m possibly clear, patches of clouds building lower in and after rain.

Chance of cloud free summits?


Sunshine and air clarity?

Mostly overcast. Poor visibility through low clouds.

How Cold? (at 900m)

Around 8C afternoon

Freezing Level

Above the summits.

Planning Outlook

Cooling in the night to Thursday, with sleet falling on highest Scottish peaks. A trough arriving on Thursday to Scotland brings another wet day on the Highlands with upland gales. England and Wales, although very windy and gusty, should get some sun between common showers, perhaps excluding Lake District and North Pennines, where clouds and rain still dominate. Damp, but generally much drier on Friday, some rain still in West and Northwest Highlands, in Brecon Beacons, Snowdonia and Peak District. Uncertain development further on, most likely fairly cold for the season. Chance for fine conditions during the weekend but unstable air may cause locally heavy showers or thunderstorms.