Mountain Weather
Information Service
Southern Uplands Forecast

Southern Uplands

The Galloway hills eastward to the Lammermuir hills. The Cheviots (including higher hills within the adjacent Northumberland NP).

Today's Forecast

Light wind, negligible impact
Frequent or persistent rain

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Viewing Forecast For

Southern Uplands
Tuesday 16th July 2024
Last updated Mon 15th Jul 24 at 3:29PM

Summary for all mountain areas

Areas of thundery rain, concentrated over central and eastern Britain, together with areas of low cloud. Some uncertainty as to the western limit of the rain, but overall western mountains will have only a few showers - with the trend for the improved conditions to extend slowly east through the day.

Headline for Southern Uplands

Areas of showery rain, perhaps thundery, gradually clearing from west

How windy? (On the summits)

Northwest backing westerly; 10mph in morning, 15mph afternoon although 20mph Galloway.

Effect of the wind on you?


How Wet?

Areas of thundery rain easing from west

Galloway: Risk of patches of showery rain for a few hours after dawn, then dry. Elsewhere: areas of sometimes heavy rain, with risk thunder (particularly afternoon). Generally the rain will become confined to the Borders afternoon as it eases from the west.

Cloud on the hills?

Will vary considerably: forming extensively in rain.

Confidence in detail low: Probably widespread cloud on the hills until mid-afternoon, although where dry, summits clearing for periods. In Galloway; cloud base typically 600m more western summits, nearer 750m east.

Chance of cloud free summits?


Sunshine and air clarity?

Patchy sunshine slowly developing from west. Excellent visibility - but poor in heavy rain.

How Cold? (at 750m)

12C; a little lower Galloway.

Freezing Level

Above the summits.

Viewing Forecast For

Southern Uplands
Wednesday 17th July 2024
Last updated Mon 15th Jul 24 at 3:29PM

How windy? (On the summits)

Southerly 10 to 20mph for much of the day. Risk of 25 or 30mph by early evening Galloway.

Effect of the wind on you?

Walking inconvenienced in the evening and balance may just begin to be affected on high ground late in the day.

How Wet?

Rain unlikely

Risk of isolated brief showers.

Cloud on the hills?

Summits extensively cloud free.

Any cloud on higher ground will clear leaving a mostly cloud-free day. However, fog may come and go Galloway above 650m.

Chance of cloud free summits?

90%, but 60% Galloway

Sunshine and air clarity?

Widespread weak sunshine in the morning fading as high-level cloud thickens through the afternoon. Excellent visibility inland; good out to sea.

How Cold? (at 750m)

11C around midday. A couple of degrees warmer by early evening. Feeling close to freezing in highest wind speeds.

Freezing Level

Above the summits.

Viewing Forecast For

Southern Uplands
Thursday 18th July 2024
Last updated Mon 15th Jul 24 at 3:29PM

How windy? (On the summits)

Southwesterly 20 to 25mph, strongest Galloway.

Effect of the wind on you?

Mostly fairly small, although will impede ease of walking on some slopes.

How Wet?

Rain on and off, mainly western hills

Rain occasionally, rarely heavy. Wettest west from the Moffat hills; very little at all Cheviot hills and toward the Lothians.

Cloud on the hills?

Extensive most areas; but Cheviots and near Lothians mostly cloud free.

Extensive all day most areas, cloud base sometimes below 300m toward Solway, and widely 500 or 600m. Toward The Cheviot and The Lothians, summits extensively cloud free.

Chance of cloud free summits?


Sunshine and air clarity?

Glimpses of sun may come through, mainly near Lothians and Cheviots. Misty at times in rain, but otherwise visibility very good

How Cold? (at 750m)


Freezing Level

Above the summits.

Planning Outlook

Winds generally coming in off the Atlantic will bring rain from time to time, and fairly extensive low cloud, at least to western mountains. A trend will be toward the wettest conditions being toward the north, as pressure rises across southern Britain. After warm air until Friday focussed on the Pennines and east Wales, lower mountain temperatures will return to the whole of the UK.