Mountain Weather
Information Service
Southern Uplands Forecast

Southern Uplands

The Galloway hills eastward to the Lammermuir hills. The Cheviots (including higher hills within the adjacent Northumberland NP).

Today's Forecast

Windy, walking impeded
Snow and hail showers

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Viewing Forecast For

Southern Uplands
Wednesday 12th March 2025
Last updated Tue 11th Mar 25 at 3:12PM

Summary for all mountain areas

Northerly winds will feel bitterly cold across the mountains. Showers running inland from north-facing coasts in the morning, developing more widely inland through the daytime, falling as hail and snow often toward lower slopes, some locally heavier showers particularly Pennine areas afternoon.

Headline for Southern Uplands

Snow and hail mostly eastern hills. Cold wind.

How windy? (On the summits)

Northerly typically 25mph, but mainly Borders, perhaps a gusty 35mph.

Effect of the wind on you?

Considerable wind chill. Higher up widely impeding ease of walking and particularly Borders balance sometimes difficult.

How Wet?

Frequent hail and snow, mainly Borders

Hail and snow showers frequent at times Borders and Cheviots; locally snow almost constant for periods giving several centimetres. Snow showers or flurries probably few toward Galloway.

Cloud on the hills?

Extensive Borders morning; otherwise very little

Borders: Cloud base varying; patches below 500m widely morning and patches below 300m. Will largely clear afternoon. Dumfries and Galloway: Fragments on higher slopes Moffat area, but otherwise hills extensively cloud free.

Chance of cloud free summits?

20% Borders to 80% Galloway

Sunshine and air clarity?

Bursts of bright sunshine, more frequent sun Galloway. The air very clear, but expect appalling visibility in snow, mainly Borders.

How Cold? (at 750m)

-1C; tending to rise slowly through daylight. Wind chill feeling like -8C.

Freezing Level

500m slowly rising to 700m. Frost some valleys after dawn.

Viewing Forecast For

Southern Uplands
Thursday 13th March 2025
Last updated Tue 11th Mar 25 at 3:12PM

How windy? (On the summits)

Northerly 15 to 20mph, strongest eastern hills, local 25mph Borders.

Effect of the wind on you?

Fairly small, but notable wind chill over higher terrain.

How Wet?

Risk hail flurries.

Occasional or isolated hail flurries afternoon. Mostly rain lower slopes.

Cloud on the hills?

Mountains extensively cloud free

Cloud rarely forming near 750m.

Chance of cloud free summits?


Sunshine and air clarity?

Intermittent or in morning extensive bright sun. Excellent visibility.

How Cold? (at 750m)

Typically -1C - rising slowly through day.

Freezing Level

500m, tending to rise to 750m. Frost valleys post dawn.

Viewing Forecast For

Southern Uplands
Friday 14th March 2025
Last updated Tue 11th Mar 25 at 3:12PM

How windy? (On the summits)

Northeasterly 15-25mph. Some gustiness near Central Belt.

Effect of the wind on you?

Fairly small, some inconvenient gusts.

How Wet?

Showers east, mostly dry west

Showers come and go on most terrain east of M74, snow over the hills, risk of hail on NE-facing slopes. Isolated showers west.

Cloud on the hills?

Mostly clear, some banks east

Morning low cloud banks near Lothians and Cheviots. Most terrain soon clear with occasional cloud bases touching high terrain.

Chance of cloud free summits?


Sunshine and air clarity?

Frequent sunshine, becoming extensive west. Excellent visibility, poor spells in showers.

How Cold? (at 750m)

-1C, rising a few degrees in the sun. Windward eastern slopes likely staying colder.

Freezing Level

Terrain widely frozen in the morning. Rising above the tops though windward eastern slopes may see slow rising.

Planning Outlook

Staying cold all week with frost overnight to lower slopes and valleys, then during the daytimes the freezing level lifting onto higher slopes. Showers of snow and hail becoming fewer and well scattered as higher pressure expands in from the north. The wind speed also lessening. A largely fine weekend ahead with light winds, sunshine, broken cloud, and very clear crisp air. Some showers may run into northern Scotland on stronger winds here. Next week, a shift back to milder southeasterlies, with some showery rain developing at times.