Mountain Weather
Information Service
Yorkshire Dales and North Pennines Forecast

Yorkshire Dales & North Pennines

The entire Yorkshire Dales National Park and North Pennines AONB, including the Three Peaks and Cross Fell, plus Howgills, also south to Forest of Bowland.

Today's Forecast

Moderate breeze, locally gusty
Mostly dry, partly cloudy

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Viewing Forecast For

Yorkshire Dales & North Pennines
Saturday 21st September 2024
Last updated Fri 20th Sep 24 at 1:36PM

Summary for all mountain areas

Still glorious in the Highlands, with sun, warm temperatures, calm winds, cloud only in the valleys. Low cloud covering southern Scotland and northern England, inversion, high tops above cloud, western coast cloud-free. Showers and thunderstorms toward Peaks and in Wales.

Headline for Yorkshire Dales & North Pennines

Mostly cloudy but dry, some sun in the west, gusty

How windy? (On the summits)

East to northeasterly, 20 to 30mph, gusts up to 40mph through elevated passes & locally downslope west of major ridges.

Effect of the wind on you?

Locally, walking impeded, locally gusts may significantly affect your stability. Marked wind chill.

How Wet?

Odd brief shower possible in the east

Substantially dry, low chance for a few drops in the southern part of the area late in the day.

Cloud on the hills?

Hills partly clear

In western dales fog in the valleys early morning, usually dispersing around noon. In the east low cloud, fairly persistent, usually covering tops and high & mid slopes. Cloud lifting, most likely above the tops during the day.

Chance of cloud free summits?

60%, highest west

Sunshine and air clarity?

Often sunny western dales, but mist and low cloud at times preventing the sun to reach the hills. Cloudy in the east & north. Good visibility.

How Cold? (at 700m)

12 to 14C, feeling more like 7C in the wind.

And in the valleys

10C at dawn, rising to 14-19C, warmest south

Viewing Forecast For

Yorkshire Dales & North Pennines
Sunday 22nd September 2024
Last updated Fri 20th Sep 24 at 1:36PM

How windy? (On the summits)

Northeast to southeasterly, mostly 20-25mph, 30mph toward Three Peaks and south of them. Gusts 40mph.

Effect of the wind on you?

Small in the north, blustery in the south, marked wind chill and with strong gusts comfortable walking affected.

How Wet?

Rain unlikely, north almost surely dry

Rain very unlikely north of Kirkby Stephen, in the south low risk of an odd shower.

Cloud on the hills?

Mostly covered, westernmost tops clear

Hills widely in cloud, only westernmost parts of Yorkshire Dales may stay clear.

Chance of cloud free summits?


Sunshine and air clarity?

Mostly sunny western dales, cloudy toward North Pennines and eastern part of Yorkshire Dales NP. Mostly very good visibility if below cloud, some haze in the air.

How Cold? (at 700m)

10 to 13C, feeling below 5C in wind

And in the valleys

Starting 10 to 13C, rising to 14-18C, warmest southwest.

Viewing Forecast For

Yorkshire Dales & North Pennines
Monday 23rd September 2024
Last updated Fri 20th Sep 24 at 1:36PM

How windy? (On the summits)

Northeast to southeasterly, around 15-20mph, 20-25mph toward the south. Locally very gusty.

Effect of the wind on you?

Small in the north, walking impeded locally toward the south.

How Wet?

Wet spells toward south, dry north

Chance rain south of Kirkby Stephen, in the north rain unlikely.

Cloud on the hills?

Tops mostly clear north, covered south

Fog or low cloud on eastern hills, dense clouds roughly south of Kirkby Stephen. Toward west and northwest mostly clear, at least highest tops.

Chance of cloud free summits?


Sunshine and air clarity?

Variable, most sun in western parts of North Pennines, least in southern Yorkshire Dales. Changeable visibility, very good in the northwest.

How Cold? (at 700m)

Around 10C

And in the valleys

10 to 13C at dawn, rising to 14 to 18C.

Planning Outlook

Glorious weekend in Scotland, thundery in Wales. On Monday weather deteriorates in the north, clouds and brief rain in Scotland. Northern England mostly dry, Peaks and Wales still wet. On Tuesday dry day except for eastern Highlands. A deep low pressure system arrives on Wednesday/Thursday, bringing strong cooling and a lot of rain to most British mountains. Toward next weekend most likely cold and wet, with again some snow on high tops.